
Taming the GDPR

Dette whitepaper er udgivet af Citrix

Preparing for the GDPR requires organizations to understand the regulation, develop best practices for success and avoid common pitfalls.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is like a big dog—you can either fear it, or tame it and make it your best friend. The GDPR builds upon the principles of the EU Directive 95/46EC1 however instead of directing Member States to pass data protection laws, the GDPR is a regulation, therefore it is law. The GDPR is effective immediately—this means that the Member States will have to comply on 25 May 2018.

It also takes precedence over any legislation that may be passed by a Member State after the enactment. However, Member States may pass local laws that supplement or are more stringent than the GDPR

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